In order to cover the series in a reasonable amount of time, we're proposing reading two volumes (or around 10 chapters) a week, with the discussion for each new reading beginning on Friday evenings.
Ideally, we'd like everyone to take at least one turn in leading the discussion for this series. It doesn't matter if you've read Fruits Basket several times or if the story is completely new to you. So please, in your comments, if you could let us know if you'd be willing to lead a discussion and if there are any chapters/dates that you'd prefer. I'd like to get a rough schedule up so that each of us can plan for when our turn is up (with adjustments made as needed - we're flexible here :) ). Also, if there is a volunteer for leading the first discussion...that would be much appreciated, too.
If you're new to reading graphic novels, please don't let the schedule overwhelm you. The reading is generally quicker than for traditional novels. That said, if anyone does have any concerns at the pace, please make them known in your comment. We want to keep at a pace that keeps up the interest in the story, but we don't want to go so fast that it's hard for everyone to keep up.
Proposed Schedule:
Jul 09, discuss vols 1-2 / chapters 1-12
Jul 16, discuss vols 3-4 / chapters 13-24
Jul 23, discuss vols 5-6 / chapters 25-36
Jul 30, discuss vols 7-8 / chapters 37-48
Aug 06, discuss vols 9-10 / chapters 49-59
Aug 13, discuss vols 11-12 / chapters 60-71
Aug 20, discuss vols 13-14 / chapters 72-83
Aug 27, discuss vols 15-16 / chapters 84-95
Sep 03, discuss vols 17-18 / chapters 96-107
Sep 10, discuss vols 19-20 / chapters 108-119
Sep 17, discuss vols 21-23 / chapters 120-final
I think this is going to be a fun experiment, and if it works, we can try another graphic novel series in the future. I'm also happy to welcome all the new friends who have joined the blog in the past few months. Welcome! It's really great to have more join the group.
So - go ahead and make a quick comment with any thoughts on the schedule, when you'd like to lead the discussion (please), and anything else. We'd like to know who is planning on joining in on this discussion for the next couple of months. Thanks!
*edited 08/15, reading schedule updated