Since this is my first graphic novel, I’m not exactly sure how to go about this discussion, so I’m just going to go and we’ll see how it ends up. How’s that for an introduction?

First we meet Hiro, the Ram of the zodiac. Twerp on the outside, softie on the inside. He’s got a thing for Kisa, easily get jealous of whom she spends her time with, but deep down wants to be a better person and the man that Kisa deserves. I’m very interested to find out more about him…why he’s so rude, manipulative, and well, just is the way he is…and if/how he’ll change. Plus, what is his relationship with Rin? Oh the suspense!
We also meet Ritchan, Monkey of the zodiac. Quite the character. From his cross-dressing to having a on/off switch. From being super apologetic to wanting so badly to change and to find out why he was born. Am I mistaken in thinking that he and Mitsuru, Shigure’s editor, may have made a connection? As Kate asked concerning Kisa, is Ritchan’s mother the overly protective type, or the rejecting type? How has it affected Ritchan?
We find out more about Arisa Uotani and Kyoko, Tohru’s mother. I personally loved these chapters. Arisa and Hana intrigue me because they are so different, and getting to know Arisa more was very satisfying.
Hatsuharu reveals that he had a girlfriend named Rin, who has recently broken up with him. (I have an embarrassing confession to make. When I first plowed through this volume, the conversation between Hari and Yuki gave me the impression that Akito was Hari’s girlfriend and I was so confused. I wondered, "Is Akito a girl or a boy?!" Good thing I reviewed it, because now I’m on the right track.) Once again, Akito leaves chaos in his wake, injuring innocent significant-others. What is with this guy!?! Any speculations about why he acts the way he does? I have some thoughts I’ll put in the comments area, but I really don’t like him. Not one bit.
We catch a glimpse of how Yuki’s parents treated him when he was younger, and see a slowly strengthening relationship develop between him and Ayame. From the small snippet we got of his mother, what can we suspect about her relationship with Yuki? What similarities is Yuki discovering that he and his brother have in common?
And then there’s the president of the Prince Yuki Fan Club, Motoko, to give us some light-hearted entertainment and adolescent amour. I personally hope this isn’t the last we’ll see of her.
Thankfully these chapters have the satisfying smattering of philosophy and introspection that, for me, deepens the reading and provide balance to the overall story. Feel free to share any thought on these:
-Having the courage to admit our childishness/flaws (from a conversation between Tohru and Hiro).
-The importance of family and acceptance, a sense of true belonging (Uotani’s acceptance of the Hondas’ love).
-Searching for our reason to be born (Ritchan’s conversation with Tohru).
Now it’s on to volumes 9 and 10! Happy reading!
First we meet Hiro, the Ram of the zodiac. Twerp on the outside, softie on the inside. He’s got a thing for Kisa, easily get jealous of whom she spends her time with, but deep down wants to be a better person and the man that Kisa deserves. I’m very interested to find out more about him…why he’s so rude, manipulative, and well, just is the way he is…and if/how he’ll change. Plus, what is his relationship with Rin? Oh the suspense!
We also meet Ritchan, Monkey of the zodiac. Quite the character. From his cross-dressing to having a on/off switch. From being super apologetic to wanting so badly to change and to find out why he was born. Am I mistaken in thinking that he and Mitsuru, Shigure’s editor, may have made a connection? As Kate asked concerning Kisa, is Ritchan’s mother the overly protective type, or the rejecting type? How has it affected Ritchan?
We find out more about Arisa Uotani and Kyoko, Tohru’s mother. I personally loved these chapters. Arisa and Hana intrigue me because they are so different, and getting to know Arisa more was very satisfying.
Hatsuharu reveals that he had a girlfriend named Rin, who has recently broken up with him. (I have an embarrassing confession to make. When I first plowed through this volume, the conversation between Hari and Yuki gave me the impression that Akito was Hari’s girlfriend and I was so confused. I wondered, "Is Akito a girl or a boy?!" Good thing I reviewed it, because now I’m on the right track.) Once again, Akito leaves chaos in his wake, injuring innocent significant-others. What is with this guy!?! Any speculations about why he acts the way he does? I have some thoughts I’ll put in the comments area, but I really don’t like him. Not one bit.
We catch a glimpse of how Yuki’s parents treated him when he was younger, and see a slowly strengthening relationship develop between him and Ayame. From the small snippet we got of his mother, what can we suspect about her relationship with Yuki? What similarities is Yuki discovering that he and his brother have in common?
And then there’s the president of the Prince Yuki Fan Club, Motoko, to give us some light-hearted entertainment and adolescent amour. I personally hope this isn’t the last we’ll see of her.
Thankfully these chapters have the satisfying smattering of philosophy and introspection that, for me, deepens the reading and provide balance to the overall story. Feel free to share any thought on these:
-Having the courage to admit our childishness/flaws (from a conversation between Tohru and Hiro).
-The importance of family and acceptance, a sense of true belonging (Uotani’s acceptance of the Hondas’ love).
-Searching for our reason to be born (Ritchan’s conversation with Tohru).
Now it’s on to volumes 9 and 10! Happy reading!