The book is divided into three fairly equal parts, so I suggest we read each part and then open up for discussion and so on. To give everyone time to acquire the book, we'll start the first discussion (of Part One) in about three weeks - the weekend of February 21st.
Part One: Origins - to page 129 NOW DISCUSSING
Part Two: Chicago - starts on page 131 - to page 295 NOW DISCUSSING
Part Three: Kenya - starts on page 297 - to page 430 (discussion starts March 21)
Epilogue - starts on page 431 - to page 442 (discussion starts March 21)
*note - pages listed are from paperback edition; hardcover might be slightly different
**edited: red for current reading/gray for future reading - if this pace is too slow, we can adjust it as we go
Here is the first snag in online discussions. I will be in Montana visiting my family on that weekend and Internet availability is uncertain. When I've been there in the past I've "borrowed" a neighbor's wireless connection. If they ever secure their line I won't be able to get online.
In a way it's no different than a traditional book club. If someone couldn't come they just wouldn't come. I'm assuming that the actual discussion could last for awhile depending on the book. I will definitely be home by the next weekend, Feb. 28.
Here's what I am thinking:
The discussion will open up that weekend for the first section of the book, but the discussion can (and I'm hoping will) continue for several days. Because so many of us are busy, I thought we'd give it another two weeks to read and then discuss again. We can shorten that time interval if people want. Since this is the first book, and I chose a long one (sorry!), I want to give people plenty of time to read. While the discussion can continue as long as we want, we'll open up new sections of the book at the 2 week intervals. So, while you'll be gone for a little bit of the time, there's no reason why you'd have to miss out on the discussion - you'll just be a little later to making comments if internet isn't available. Does this make sense? I hope I'm explaining how I'm envisioning this clearly enough.
Now, back to my argument for having a list of books: unless people don't have a problem waiting in between books, we will need to give a suitable interval of time for people to get each new book. If we have a list of upcoming books, that gives everyone plenty of time to plan to get the books, whether they check them out at a library (which might require an inter-library loan and take a few weeks) or buy online, etc. So, while it's kind of nice to have some flexibility, I think we should start planning for what the next book is sometime while we're reading the current book so that we don't have long gaps between discussions.
How about everyone comment in here to see if they've got the book or if they're able to get it soon. If so, we can move up the discussion a week.
Also, I'd like input on the pace. If 2 weeks is too slow for each section, we can adjust it - either read each section in a week or break the book up into just two sections. I think I'd like to keep to discussing each section separately, but maybe it won't matter. Like I've already mentioned, I haven't read the book yet myself, so I'm not sure the best way to go about it. I was hoping to read it before we read it as a group, but that didn't happen (points finger at impatient people :P).
Okay - so, input, please!
I'm a fast reader, so whatever pacing you guys want is fine with me, I don't mind waiting for people to finish, and I also don't mind making it happen faster. As for obtaining the book I had it since last weekend, so no snag there. I'll do what I can about adding my book to the link thing, too.
NVM-I didn't realize you'd already done it, thanks Kate.
Yeah...I added yours and Debra's since you both had your picks ready.
I can be a fast reader as well (sometimes it depends on the book, though)...it's finding the time that is the challenge. The reason why I've set such a relaxed pace is because I want everyone to have a chance to get the reading done without being too stressed or pressured. At the same time, if the pace is too slow, I want to know so we can speed it up a little - I mean, if people are ready to discuss, no need to hold off on it. Hopefully more will comment soon with ideas. Since this is our first book, I imagine we'll be adjusting things as we go along until we figure out what works best.
This all sounds great to me. I think the pace sounds good, especially for a mystery book, and since it is rather lengthy, dividing it up into three sections sounds logical.
I'm a slow reader and I don't have the book yet. Time is an issue for me too since currently about the only time I really have to read is when I eat lunch. I'll have a little more time when I'm in Montana though. I just planned on hunkering down whenever I get a chance and reading.
I think the pacing so far sounds great - I'm pretty average as far as speed goes but like you said it isn't always easy to find the time. I'll let you know my book pick soon. :)
I hope everyone has had a chance to get the book and begin reading! I have been able to read the first section and am trying to read ahead and finish the book so that I can get some discussion ideas together. Look for the first discussion to open up this weekend! Yay!
I'll be out of town until Sunday night, but I've finished the first section and already have some things I want to say, so let's get going whenever people are ready!
Well, I will put up a post on Saturday and people can comment then. I would do it earlier but first I'm a little busy at the moment to put all my thoughts together and second I said we'd start on the 21st so I'm going to keep to that.
I know a few of you won't be here to comment for a couple of days or even a week, but that's totally fine! We can comment and discuss this section for as long as the discussion goes while we read the next.
Question for everyone (I know not everyone is checking in here regularly, but in case you see this): Do you want a one week or two week window to read the next section? It is the longest section, but now that everyone has had a chance to get their books, I wonder if we should move this a long a little faster.
The second question that I have is what book do we want to read next? I don't want people to get impatient with the pacing of this blog, but we do need to give people time to get their books. So, if we want to jump right into the next book, we should probably start deciding soon - within a week or two.
Thanks. Let me know what you think.
I'm a fast reader, so I can finish the next section for any deadline you want to set. I'll let those who might have more trouble decide. As for which book next, based on the current subject matter, I'd just like to request something a bit lighter next time around. Not that the heaviness is bad, but two of those in a row are hard to handle.
I have only just barely started reading the book. I decided it was much more important to read My Stroke of Insight. My mother is recovering from a stroke and that book has been a Godsend. I will finish it as soon as I can and then jump into the book club one.
I suppose I should chime in. I've just finished the first section, and will be able to discuss it tomorrow. The pace is fine; I've been fairly busy and only just got around to reading within the past few days.
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