Hey guys, been a little while since Redwall was finished, was thinking maybe I could present, I guess, a book for those who are interested to read?
I want to add, there's no rush at all for this. Its August still, for some of us school is starting (whether that means through jobs or our children), for others its vacations, and so on. I myself have my Fall semester starting up in two weeks, so I'll be getting busy myself. So, basically, just want to test the water about this, wouldn't be putting it up for a while still.
Anyway, after giving it a lot of thought, I was thinking the next book could be Dreamsongs, Vol. 1, by George R. R. Martin. It is, admittedly, a rather large book (and there is a second, as the presence of "volume 1" makes clear), but it has some advantages, despite its size.
Specifically, Dreamsongs (both vol. 1 and 2) is a collection of short stories by the author GRRM. The books are tied together in a vaguely autobiographical way, with each section of short stories bordered by small bits about his life, from childhood to where he is now. His short stories range from science fiction to fantasy to a sorta horror to superheroes and the like.
I figured you guys may like it, both for its variety, and also the fact that its all short stories. It'd make it a lot easier to read through, just spend a bit of time, read one or two, and so on.
I'm in no rush about this, like I said, I know people can be busy around this time. Lord knows I'll be shortly. Was thinking of starting it up sometime mid-September if anyone's interested. Let me know!
I'm game. I'll go hunt it down so that I'm ready whenever you want to start.
I went ahead and got a copy from the library, so I'm ready to start whenever everyone else is.
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