Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wee Free Men Schedule

Ok, the majority has spoken, and it's been decided that we'll start out with two chapters a week and see how that works for everyone, given that this reading is much lighter and the chapters are much shorter than the previous book. I'm aiming to start on Friday, April 10th and continue from there with the following schedule, so that people still have the rest of this week to acquire the book and then next week to start reading. I'll open my discussions, such as they are, on Friday nights, since I usually go to church on Saturday nights.

Ch. 1-2 April 10th
Ch. 3-4 April 17th
Ch. 5-6 April 24th
Ch. 7-8 May 1st
Ch. 9-10 May 8th
Ch. 11-12 May 15th
Ch. 13-14 May 22nd
Ch. 15-16 May 29th
Ch. 17-18 June 5th

Tell me now if there are any problems with this schedule, and we can also step it up to three chapters a week if people feel we are progressing too slowly. That's all from me for now, and happy reading!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wee Free Men Startup

This post is mostly about opinions. I know we're not ready to start yet since not all of us have acquired the book, but I just want to put a feeler out for how people want to proceed with it, since it's much shorter and also much lighter fare than our previous book. In my copy, since I own the hardcover, the first chapter is 18 pages, and as this is a young adult/children's book, the reading is fairly simple. Do people think one short chapter a week would be too fast, or would you like to do larger blocks over a longer span of time? I feel like this book will finish quickly, and I want to make the discussion enjoyable, though I may just wing it and leave you guys to pull whatever opinions you like out of it, as it's purely pleasure reading and not terribly deep. As I love this author to death and will probably suggest more of his books as we make further nominations, and as I know most of you guys haven't read him before, I may ask you to look at the writing style as much as anything, since that's what I love most about Pratchett. And now, as I'm babbling and have had a hard day, I'll leave you guys to give opinions on how fast we should move.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dreams from My Father - Part 3: Kenya and Epilogue

Let's open the final discussion for Dreams from My Father. I found this final section to be very interesting, and I'm curious to see what others thought of it, too.

Also, if you have any feedback on the way we discussed this first book, please comment about that, too. Was the pace too fast, too slow? Should I have put up more thought questions in the discussion post?

Next book up is The Wee Free Men. Angela will be "hosting" this one. Thanks!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

popular vote

In order to give the next person time to prepare the discussion post, and so that we have a new book to look forward to, let's go ahead and choose the next book. In the previous post, most people wanted to choose by a vote, so here is the list (each link should take you to a brief description from either amazon or goodreads to help make your choice). We'll read each of these in turn, this vote is only to choose the next book.
The final discussion for Dreams from My Father will open this weekend. I know some have already finished the book. Even if you're still reading when the final discussion starts, don't feel like you can't comment. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's comments and the discussions that we've had from this book.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

time to choose the next book!

Edit to post: just to make sure it's clear, we're not done discussing the current book. We're still only discussing through the first two sections. I've been getting a few emails about what the next book is going to be, so I thought we could go ahead and start choosing it even though the discussion for it won't be for several weeks. Hope that makes sense, and sorry for any confusion!

I've been getting great feedback about our first book, Dreams from My Father. It seems that the general consensus is that people are glad that we chose it, but also that the material is a little heavy.

So, for our next book, let's choose something a little lighter. On the right sidebar of the page is the link list of books suggested so far. If anyone wants to recommend a book and hasn't done so yet, go ahead and add your book.

How would everyone like to choose the next book? We could choose by a vote or choose via a randomizer. If we choose by popular vote, we can have a say in what book we're more in the mood to read at this point (we'll read each book on the list - it's only a matter or when). If we choose a book at random, there isn't as much input, but that could be fun. Post your preference in the comment section, and we can go from there. I would like to have a book chosen by the end of next week, so on Tuesday night, we'll choose the book by the method the majority voted for.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dreams from My Father - Part 2: Chicago

Discussion for Part 2: Chicago is open!

I think the discussion went really well last time without the need for any thought questions, so we'll let the discussion go wherever people want to start with it.

Discussion for Part 3: Kenya and the Epilogue will open in 2 weeks - March 21.

Also, in a week I will put up a post about choosing the next book so that people will have time to find it and get reading once the current discussion wraps up.