Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Second Half of Christmas Carol

I feel so bad, I meant to post this almost a week ago, but I've been so busy I honestly haven't finished reading. Well, let's aim for the end of the New Year to finish this up, and feel free to just pop in and discuss once you read the book. I highly doubt the ending is a surprise to any of us, but we can carry on the discussion of the previous topics and anything else that comes to mind as we finish. Hope you all have a merry Christmas, and stay safe through any travels.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Christmas Carol Reading Schedule

Ok, I guess I'll start off leading this discussion, since I'm the first done reading. By this Friday let's all have read the first two sections, ending with the departure of the first spirit. By next Friday, we'll finish the book and have a break for the holidays, and then we can start on Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow in the new year.

For the first discussion, and probably for the later one as well, let's focus on the choices of events the spirits choose for Scrooge, and the details of their descriptions as well. The symbolism of what they represent and how they are portrayed should lend itself well to discussion. Let's also look at the same thing with the appearance of Jacob Marley, and the descriptive words used for Scrooge and his surroundings. Dickens uses a wide variety of adjectives to create very real and vivid surroundings and characters.