Friday, April 24, 2009

Wee Free Men Chapters 5-6 Discussion

Here we encounter some more creatures out to get Tiffany and she learns more than perhaps she wanted to know about the Feegles and their relationship to her grandmother. I love Tiffany's recollections of her granny, and how she sees them differently as she grows and changes her world viewpoint. I suppose all of us do this as we mature, but realizing that even from the age of seven up to eleven someone like Tiffany could look back and realize what she'd done to someone she loved, without even meaning to...

On with the discussion!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wee Free Men Chapters 3-4

Another Friday night, another two chapters. I know we've gotten off to a slow start, but the story is picking up, and now the title's meaning is a bit more apparent, as we meet the Wee Free Men themselves. Thoughts on them, or on Tiffany's thoughts on fairy tales? Let the discussion begin!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wee Free Men: Chapters 1-2 Discussion

Ok, it's Friday night, and hopefully everyone has had a chance to read these two chapters. What are our initial thoughts about Tiffany Aching and Miss Tick the witch? Also, how is everyone finding the schedule? Is this easy reading to a point where we'd like to speed up, or slow down, or anything of that nature? Let the discussion commence!