Friday, July 8, 2011

Redwall-Section 2

By the time you've finished this section, you've been introduced to the majority of the main cast. How did everyone like the various creatures and their mannerisms and especially their dialects? Hearing this on audio, especially the mole speech, is really quite hilarious. Plot-wise, thoughts on the search for the sword, and the lengths Matthias goes to, as well as the growth as a character, in his quest? Thoughts on Cluny, his plotting and scheming, and his cast of vermin? Things are getting heated as the battle for Redwall continues.


Maenos said...

It still takes a bit of thought to get used to this world not having humans, but I'm getting used to it while reading this further. Still...I wonder about that whole hay cart thing. If there are no humans, why need a giant hay cart? (giant to the rats anyway, normal sized for us humans).


Cluny impresses me, if only because he does seem to have a sound (well...sound for him) tactical mind and just not giving up. Probably for the best, if he did give up it'd totally weaken his image.

I've grown to really like the characters here, especially Matthias (he's just good natured, its nice to read a guy like that). Those foxes...I really do like also, how there are so many species in the book and yet they're all so varyingly different, though at the same time it makes for some confusion, I guess. I suppose I should just think of things like how, in our world we're all human but still divide one another (in some way) by race, so its basically the same there. Though I do wonder if its possible to crossbreed. Probably not, I'm thinking.

I know I said it previously but I do like how refreshingly simple (in its way) that this book is. its a good palate cleanser.

Ghostlibrarian said...

I actually finished on time for the discussion but then held back. I guess I held back too long.

The villains in this story are very villainous and the heroes are very heroic. For some reason I kept hoping that the foxes would stop trying to play both sides and just recognize the goodness of Redwall but they never did.

Matthias very quickly stops being a "young" mouse when he becomes a leader. He acts independently in a way that looks like it could endanger Redwall rather than help it. He is willing to take enormous risks.

Sometime I think I should try to make some of the food they describe. Maybe I can do that when Soda is here because he always said the food sounded so good. It would be fun to try.

Now I have to go finish the book.

Istari the Angel said...

Yes, Matthias grows up very quickly, and recognizes the necessity of taking risks for the overall good of the Abbey. The foxes tend to always be numbered with the vermin, which is kind of sad, but these are by no means the worst I've seen of foxes in the series. Some fox corsairs try to invade the Abbey in one book, and it doesn't end well.

BTW, if you're interested, there is a Redwall cookbook that has recipes for a lot of the foods the describe.

Ghostlibrarian said...

I should look for that cookbook. It sounds interesting.