Thursday, January 22, 2009

let's start this party

Hi everyone!

I'm excited that everyone has been interested in forming an online bookgroup. Credit goes to all of you in helping form this group and the format that we'll follow in our discussions.

From my correspondence with Angela, this is how I understand we'll progress with the bookgroup:

1. We'll each choose a book to read. I know some people have mentioned concerns about content or genre. I think as long as we take some careful consideration in our choices, we'll be able to avoid most conflicts; if there are any serious objections, we can work those out.

2. Once we've chosen our books, unless there is a preference to a particular order, I suggest we randomize the order and go from there.

3. I like the suggestion that we discuss in 2 week intervals. This not only keeps everyone reading, but it allows flexibility in our schedules. For each book, the person recommending the book can determine the best way to break down the pages of reading for each discussion. Some books may be short enough to discuss completely in just one or two discussions.

So, let's go ahead and open this up for book recommendations! I'm excited to see what everyone wants to read. Hopefully we can choose our first book and get started by the end of the month.


Istari the Angel said...

This looks good to me so far, Kate. I already know what my first book choice is. Can you give me permission to invite, so I can send the invite to my friend Philip, and maybe to Ghost and Q? Or I can give you their emails, whatever is easier.

On the book recommendation notice, my first choice is Wee Free Men, by Terry Pratchett, which is one of his Discworld novels, but also geared towards young adults more so than some of the others. The whole trilogy of them are among my favorites of all his writing, and I'm praying that Terry gets the promised fourth book out before he has any major limitations. He was recently diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's, which is a huge blow to me, as he's one of my favorite authors.

Kate said...

You already have a book choice - but that doesn't surprise me. I am at a loss as to what to recommend; I will need to go through my book lists and see what sounds good for a discussion. I have one potential in mind, yet I'm not sure about it...

Ghostlibrarian said...

I'm very excited but I hope I have time to read. Istari, Q is also a Discworld fan if I remember correctly. I'm not sure what I should recommend either. I have a couple ideas. Have any of you read Peace Like a River by Leif Enger? It's by a Minnesota author and the language in it is just beautiful.

Istari the Angel said...

I've sent Philip the invite, so now we're just waiting for the latecomers to accept. I had Wee Free Men as a thought since the first time we spoke about the group. It's a favorite, as I said. Ghost, I know Q is a Discworld fan, we were discussing it at one point. She was mentioning maybe choosing Watership Down as her first choice, but she may change her mind. I have not read Peace Like a River. What is it about?

Philip said...

I'm in. Sorry it took me a little while, but I'm here. Peace Like a River is good. I wouldn't mind rereading it. I've also been thinking about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Istari the Angel said...

Oooh, good choice, it's been ages since I read that. It would have to be the first one, we're keeping a page limit so that we don't spend a year on a single book, otherwise I'd be picking LOTR. =D

Istari the Angel said...

Is this everyone, or are we waiting for someone else?

Kate said...

I'm sorry, Angela. I've just been really busy this weekend.

I think there might be one or two more. Let me check on that.

As for book suggestions, I like what people have thought of so far. I am still thinking about my selections. I was listening to Diane Rehm last week - I love her show on NPR - and she had guests on talking about Barack Obama's "Dreams From My Father." I found the discussion so intriguing and put the book on hold at my local library. Would anyone be opposed to reading this? I don't want to get into politics - we wouldn't get into that with a potential discussion with the book - so the book choice is not in any way politically motivated. In fact, Obama wrote this when he was 33 years old - before his political career began. If there isn't any opposition, I think I might suggest this one as my first book selection. Let me know what you all think. If you've all read it already or really don't want to read it, let me know and I'll think of something else.

Istari the Angel said...

I wouldn't object to it, I've actually been a bit curious about our new president and his past life. I do want to avoid the politics of it though, I hate arguing about politics.

Havilah said...

Hi everyone! Sorry I'm so late in joining up. All the book suggestions so far look great. Kate I LOVE your idea on reading the Barak Obama book.

As for my suggestions, I have quite a few but I'm not exactly sure what genre is a favorite of this group. Right now I'm reading The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman with my husband and we are loving it.

I was thinking since we don't all know each other maybe we can do our first 'discussion' as a way for us to write a little introduction of ourselves. What do you think Kate?

Kate said...

Angela, I think we can avoid getting into politics with that book. It was written before he got into politics. If I heard correctly on the radio, Obama wrote the book when Harvard law suggested that he did it. He was the chief editor of the Harvard Law Review (which is very prestigious). From the discussion I listened to, the book is about Obama's childhood and youth. He talks about how he adjusted to dealing with a father that left him, he talks about his views on prejudice and race, etc. I'll go ahead and keep that as my book selection, then.

Havilah - I like your idea of an introduction post. How do you want to do it? Would you like to make the opening post and then we can each introduce ourselves in the comments section?

As for book genre...I might be alone in thinking this, but I think it's good to try a variety of book genres, even if you don't think you will like them. At the very least, it's fun to read a book that someone else really loves and try to look at the book from their perspective - to see why they like it so much. You might never like it as much as they do, but it's fun to try new things. So, I wouldn't worry too much about what genre to choose. So far we've got some fantasy suggested and a nonfiction. I like the variety suggested so far.

Istari the Angel said...

Good idea with the intro posts. I tend to be a fan of the fantasy/sci-fi genre, and I know Philip is also. I like biographies too. The only thing I'm not fond of, as I told Kate, is romance novels. I don't object to romance being part of the story, I'm just not fond of it as the main part.

Havilah, I read the Graveyard Book too, and it's great! Neil Gaiman can be a bit dark, but I do like his work. I just recently read Coraline, since I was curious before the movie. I'm also gonna read Benjamin Button, since I saw that movie and it's up for so many awards.

Sarah said...

Sorry I'm late too. I didn't realize I hadn't accepted the invite!! My bad.

I haven't thought of a book yet, but will get on that really soon!

Kate said...

Great to have you here, Sarah!

I have two other friends - one in Utah and one in Georgia - who want to join and then that's it as far as I know. If anyone else has some friends they want to invite, now is the time.

Ruth said...

I finally made it! Everything sounds great so far. I pretty new at this so I'm just going to go with the flow. One book I have in mind is Seven Daughters, Seven Sons, by Barbara Cohen (I think). Don't confuse it with Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, though I do love that movie.

Lynnette said...

Ok - I think I am the last one to arrive at this party. I guess because I was a little reluctant to join! I am not a big reader but I would like to start reading more, so I think this will be fun but I must say I'm a bit intimidated by all of you hardcore readers! I'm especially hesitant to make recommendations, but I do agree that trying out different genres is a great idea. Variety is the spice of life, right? As far as what I like - I enjoy biographies and historical fiction, as well as non fiction. Like I said I haven't been a big reader in the past, well, several years so I'm sure I'm a fan of other things and just don't know it yet ;) Thanks for including me!

Kate said...

Welcome Ruth and Lynnette!

If anyone else wants to invite friends, it's not too late. In fact, people are welcome to join anytime.

I made everyone an admin on the blog. That will allow everyone to add things along the sidebar and contribute to the formatting of the blog. I was thinking it would be fun to add our goodreads profiles along the sidebar of the blog for those of us on goodreads. If you're not on goodreads, let me know and I'll send you an invite or you can just sign up. It's a really great site for keeping track of the books you've read, want to read, etc.