Friday, July 31, 2009

Peace Like a River Discussion 7/31/09

Finally, Davy reappears. I never really know how I want to feel about Davy. On the one hand, I think I can understand his outrage and wish him well. On the other hand, he makes me nervous. I wonder if Reuben feels the same way. He's the only one in the family who knows where Davy is, has actually seen him and talked to him, but the visits are unsettling, filling Reuben with a guilt that he's not sure he can handle. Reuben's illness is also frightening. I don't have asthma but I've had trouble getting my breath when I had pneumonia and it's scary. You also feel pretty useless when just going for a walk is exhausting.

Jape Waltzer is a scary thought no matter how you look at him. I thought it was interesting that Davy claimed that he wasn't afraid of Waltzer yet he listened close when Jape was around. You can't help but think that Davy may have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. It's extremely ironic that Sara, now 14, was probably about Swede's age when she was handed over to Waltzer. Davy killed two people for an evening spent abusing his sister, yet seems alright with the abuse that Sara has suffered for years. Sara made me very sad. I was proud of Reuben for realizing what Waltzer had planned. I guess I'm not a very good detective because I didn't see it coming.

These chapters were full of foreboding and probably some symbolism that I didn't quite catch. At one point Reuben talks about Andreeson as his enemy but I got to wondering who the real antagonist is in the story. I do apologize for stopping when I did. I couldn't help myself. :-D

On to the end of book for next week.


Istari the Angel said...

I have a great deal to say about all of this. Davy, who at first seemed to be the protective big brother, now seems downright cold and distant in the way he doesn't seem to feel any remorse or allow Reuben to try to give him any, and Andreeson is in for a frightening surprise. I wonder about the connection between Rube's illness and his visits with Davy, they seem to flair up, and I can't help but wonder if his father is causing it because he knows Reuben is hiding something from him. For all we know, he already knows what's going on with Rube and Davy and is waiting for Rube to do the right thing. It seems like something Jeremiah might do. On a side note regarding him, I do like the idea of him "courting" Roxanne, and the way he approaches it. Jeremiah is often out of the house, in the Airstream, when Reuben is sick, and I wonder if he feels the need to distance himself if he's the cause of his child's suffering, all in the name of God, of course. Though it may sound cynical, I don't mean it that way. He's a good father and a good man, and I believe if this is the case he's teaching his son a hard lesson, giving him some tough love.

As for Waltzer...the man is downright alarming. I dunno if Davy is really afraid of him, but I think he's not willing to just sit by and watch Sara suffer. Remember the mention of the look she gives Davy...I bet he's very kind to her and may even have his own plots for getting her out of her current situation. Waltzer...I hope Andreeson gets out of this and gets to find out what he's been up to, and maybe even beat him with Davy's help...because as uncertain as I am about Davy, I don't believe he'd side with that man. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps he's in Waltzer's debt somehow, that the man is threatening him or even Reuben or the rest of the family now that he knows about them to make Davy do whatever he wants.

Kate said...

Earlier on in the book when we were first getting to know Andreeson a little, he really reminded me of Tommy Lee Jones' role as Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive. He relentlessly pursues Harrison Ford's character, yet you can't help but like him and his tenacity. I get a similar vibe from Andreeson, to the point where I don't feel like he's the antagonist he was portrayed to be at first. Instead, it certainly feels as those Waltzer is our problem guy, and I think justifiably so.

I have thought about the change we have seen with Davy while I read these pages. I don't think he is in alignment with Waltzer's ideals. I think it is an arrangement of desperation, and I echo Angela's thoughts that perhaps Davy might have something in mind to get himself and Sara out of there. As Debra mentioned, it's ironic that Davy finds himself in the company with someone who also abuses, for the same treatment for which he shot those boys. Perhaps it bristles at him to have to be in this situation and he's biding his time. It's so hard to tell as we don't get much out of him. What we do know is that he wants to see his brother, and that gives me hope that he's still Davy at the core, even if we're still at a loss as to who he really is. :P

I do not think that Jeremiah would cause his son to have the asthma. From what I can tell, Jeremiah has the power to heal, not to cause hurt or illness on those same lines. Nor can I think that God would actually cause hurt in that way. We suffer from the consequences of our actions, true, but to actually inflict hurt seems beyond that scope. It's an interesting theory, though, and not one I would have come up with.

In April I went into the ER because I could not breathe well. They thought I might have a pulmonary embolism and did a ct scan of my lungs. I had been struggling to breathe for a few days before I went in, and it was a very scary sensation. I couldn't sleep, and I always found myself consciously thinking to breathe, which is very uncomfortable. They weren't able to find anything wrong with me and sent me home. Just a couple of weeks later, I was diagnosed with cholestasis of pregnancy, which is a very rare pregnancy complication that resulted in my hospitalization for most of the month of May. Breathing problems are not listed as a symptom of cholestasis, but within days of starting the medication that they currently use to treat the condition, my breathing eased. It was such a relief. I don't know what it must feel like to deal with that situation on a regular basis, but it was an experience that helped me understand a little better how debilitating it is and what we take for granted with every easy breath we take.

Now I'm off to finish this book. There's no way I can put it down, now! Actually, I should get some sleep, but I will probably have this finished tomorrow! It's been a wonderful book to read. :)

Ghostlibrarian said...

I'm sorry to hear about your pregnancy complications but so glad that the medication worked. I have pneumonia again but I think the antibiotic is helping so maybe I'll get better sooner this time.

I'm really glad that you enjoyed the book. I think I'll have to put up the last post tomorrow night because I'll be out of town, and possibly away from internet access, over the weekend.

Ruth said...

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write anything. I had by baby, so things have been pretty crazy getting adjusted. My opportunities to get on the computer are few and far between, and often when I am able to get on, our internet connection is screwy. It's been driving me nuts.

Okay. So my problem with writing thoughts for this last part is that I finished the book. I didn't read ahead of when I was supposed to like I've been guilty of in the past, but I just didn't have a chance to write down my thoughts on this section before proceding on to the next.

I too am concerned about Reuben's asthma getting worse. But I think it's due to the stress of keeping a secret that he shouldn't be keeping. And the overall evil of Waltzer. I've decided that HE is the real-life Valdez. I like how Kate compared Andreeson to Tommy Lee Jones.

Waltzer totally gives me the heebie jeebies. And like everyone else, I just don't get Davy. Come to think of it, I don't understand my own brother-in-law David either. Maybe it's just a David thing. Random thought there. Back to the book. Sara is a very interesting character to me. It's scary to think of all she's been through.

My respect for Jeremiah has also increased as he courts Roxanna. They seem so cute and I find myself really cheering them on as their relationship blossoms.

Hope you get better soon Debra!

Kate said...

I hope you feel better soon, too, Debra. I'm sorry that you're going through this illness again - didn't you just have it recently? Hope the medication is working.

I didn't mean to go on such a long exposition about my breathing problems. It just startled me to have breathing problems, and the relief I felt once I was on medication was so welcome. It made me realize how much I take for granted by having good health.

I finished the book, and I am anxious to talk about it. I imagine that the final chapter or two will certainly bring on a good discussion. I'll look forward to the post tonight. Weekends get a little busy these days, so this will work out better for me, actually. :)