Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Giver Reading Schedule

I've looked over my copy of The Giver, and as short as it is (180 pages in my edition)I think we can finish it in two weeks easily, and cut it very nearly in half, which actually works out well as far as the plot of the book. If everyone is willing to read this many pages, I'm thinking we could go through chapter 9, which I'm seeing as 70 pages in my copy. I can do this by the end of the week, but I don't know if that suits everyone else's schedule. How about we try to get it read by Sunday night, February 20th, and the second half by the following Sunday, the 27th? Let me know if this works, if we need to tweak it, and hope you guys enjoy! Some food for thought on the first section: pay attention to adjectives, or the lack thereof, and also to the rigidity of the society and the interactions of the people. How comfortable would you be living in such a society, and to what extent do you consider the lives these people lead fulfilling, or even humane?


Istari the Angel said...

...and just as a curiosity, does anyone know why the blog no longer allows me to make my posts in red courier font? I type them out that way, and then they show up in boring old Times New Roman black.

Kate said...

I don't know why it didn't work for you, but it did let me edit it to what you wanted, so I hope you don't mind. The red doesn't look quite right, though, so you can try editing and put it to the red that you usually use. I just chose one of the "red" options.

This reading schedule will work for me just fine. I'm anxious to get going on this. Of course, I am open to a more relaxed schedule, too, if that works best for others.